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Recharger FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Recharger

David Tuck avatar
Written by David Tuck
Updated over 4 months ago


What are default rules?

When you create a group, Recharger creates two "don't recharge" rules by default for each entity in the recharge group. One rule for revenue account code transactions and one for expense account code transactions. As every transaction from the P&L feeds into Mayday, and every transaction needs to be matched by a rule, by default we're saying don't recharge. You then create rules for your recharge situations which supersede the default.

You will likely want the default rule to be what happens to the majority of your expense or revenue transactions. In most businesses, this will be “don't recharge” but there are certain situations where you might want a rule that does recharge those costs or revenues to be the default. For example, if you have a transfer pricing policy where the cost centre entity cost plus recharges all or close to all of its costs, you can set this to be the default.

What are expense rules?

These dictate how expenses incurred by an entity are recharged to other entities in the recharge group. There are three types of expense rule:

  1. At Cost: cost is incurred by one entity, some or all of which is for the benefit of one or more other group entities, identified by relevant proportion. The whole transaction value is recharged.

  2. Cost plus: value added for incurring this cost, the percentage of which is agreed by transfer pricing or internal agreement. The whole transaction value is recharged, plus a fixed percentage on top. If you choose this option, two additional inputs will appear:

    (1) One asks you to define the percentage which should be added to the value of the transaction

    (2) Since this is a profit-generating activity, you’ll need to specify a revenue account code for the cost plus recharge to be assigned to

3. Don’t recharge: This will be relevant if you have set a rule other than the “don't recharge” default to be your default rule.

What are revenue rules?

These dictate how income generated by one entity flows through to other entities in the recharge group. There are two types of revenue rule:

  1. Percentage of Revenue: A percentage of the revenue generated will be passed to one or more other entities as income. Since the percentage is a cost to the entity that generated the revenue, you'll also need to specify the account code that cost should be assigned to

2. Don't recharge (revenue): Other entities won't be able to receive any income from matching transactions

What are Balance Sheet Rules?

Balance sheet rules are used by finance teams that post costs that they want recharged in balance sheet codes (most likely asset codes) rather than P&L codes. This would mean that these costs wouldn't hit the P&L of that entity when they were wholly for the benefit of another. Balance sheet rules can only be posted to expense codes in the entity on the receiving end of them.

What are Mayday Rules?

Mayday Rules don't look up from source transactions in Xero in the same way as Expense, Revenue and Balance Sheet Rules. These are for regular, fixed-amount recharges, for example, a management charge. Mayday Rules can only be posted to expense codes in the entity on the receiving end of them.

Can I copy existing rules?

Yes, you can within each entity. You'll see a small plus button on the right-hand side of the rule - click here to create a duplicate rule.

Will expense rules also pick up credits to the expense code and revenue rules also pick up debits to the revenue code?

Yes, rules are indifferent to debits and credits. If it hits that account code then it will be picked up by the rule. For example, a refund to an expense code.

What are apportionments?

Once you’ve selected which transactions you’d like to recharge, you’ll set up apportionments define how those transactions should be recharged. There are two ways you can do this:

In-rule apportionments:

On a case-by-case basis, you can specify within the recharge rule itself what the percentage apportionment should be for those recharges.

Preset apportionments:

Setting up preset apportionments is a real time saver for those situations where you’d want to set up several rules using the same methodology to distribute. This way, it only takes a couple of minutes to update from this page each month rather than editing each individual rule.

Head to the blue navigation bar and select apportionments. Here you can easily update things like headcount as and when the numbers change, and the rules will automatically use the most up-to-date information when calculating your recharges.

You can use either percentages or units to create your apportionment numbers.

Remember to check that they are up to date before running your calculations each month.

How do I apportion so that part of the expense remains in the original entity that incurred it?

Make sure to specify apportionments and total apportionment units. For example, Mayday HQ incurs a cost and needs to recharge 25% to Mayday Inc and 25% to Mayday Australasia. You’d make sure the total apportionment units say 100, specify that each of those entities will be recharged 25. This means that the other 50% will remain in Mayday HQ.

What if a transaction matches more than one rule?

In the event that a transaction matches more than one rule, Recharger will pick one of the rules based on the following precedence order:

  1. Line Item Description

  2. Reference

  3. Assigned to

  4. Contact

  5. Account Code

  6. Tracking Category

  7. Default

This ensures the right transactions are caught by the rule.

Can I post a recharge to more than one account code?

You can look up from multiple account codes but can only send to one. If you would like account code symmetry, you will need to create individual rules per account code.

What currency does the system look up from where transactions are posted in the non-base currency?

The system will look up the source’s base currency. For example, Mayday HQ’s base currency is £, therefore a bill posted to Mayday HQ in $ will come through converted into £. The foreign exchange rates will be configured as of the date on the bill. We pick up what is posted to the general ledger of that entity and general ledger in that entity's base currency.

What happens if a new entity gets added, or an entity gets deleted?

If a new entity is added, you’ll create and edit recharge rules to accommodate the new entity.

If an entity is deleted, some of your recharge rules may be broken because there may be empty fields. We'll flag this to you so that you can edit your rules.

What happens if a nominal code changes in Xero, one gets deleted, or a new nominal code gets added?

Any changes to the name/number of nominal codes or deleted codes will break the rules that involve those codes. If you need to change any of your rules to send costs or revenues to a newly added code, you'll do that manually.

Does Mayday pick up when an account type is changed (e.g. liabilities to overheads) in the chart of accounts?

Yes, Mayday recognises when an account type is changed in Xero’s chart of accounts.

Can I recharge to a department rather than an entity?

We currently only offer entity-to-entity recharges, interdepartmental recharges are on our public product roadmap.


What happens if a transaction comes through late?

We’ll be monitoring and notify you if any late transactions come through:

  1. We will notify you in-app that transaction(s) have changed in Xero which mean your recharges would be different if you ran them today

  2. You go to that month's calculation and recalculate the recharges

  3. Then you can one-click update the relevant postings in Xero from within Mayday

Do all of my Xero entity's transactions come through Mayday?

Yes, every transaction comes through Mayday and then the ones to be recharged are picked up by the rules you set. If the transaction doesn't match a rule it will filter under "Don't recharge" and it will not be recharged to another entity in the group.

Can I run my calculations weekly?

Yes – once all the bookkeeping is up to date in Xero and you’re happy with your rules and apportionments you can then run calculations. You have the ability to re-open and recalculate the postings.

You can run calculations (and post the recharges) at any point during the month and then update them for additional transactions as many times as you want.

Where does your currency conversion come from?

By default, we use the exchange rate provided by Fixer (a code for foreign exchange

rates and currency conversion software), but you can override this.

If your Xero organisations do not support multi-currency, and the two entities are not of the same base currency, then the Postings page will force you to post journals in each entity's home currency. If a currency conversion is taking place, you can override the exchange rate being used here too.

Where can I specify what tax treatment should apply?

In the postings page (the last step of calculations), you set VAT at the line item level for that recharge. There is an option within that to apply the VAT treatment to all line items. We will then remember that VAT treatment for future months.

What does mark as final do?

Marking a calculation as final will do the following:

  1. Lock the version of the rules used to calculate the recharges: Any updates to rules you make after the first time you mark this calculation as final won't be applied to transactions from this month. Any late transactions that come through will be treated by the rules and apportionments ad they were in that month.

  2. Create an audit trail: The calculation can be re-opened at any time, but each time it's marked as final the full calculation will be recorded for auditing.

  3. Disable auto re-calculating: This means any transactions which are added or changed while the calculation is marked as final won't be included until the calculation is re-opened.

What if I need to change my rules after I have marked as final?

The process here is to delete those calculations, and also to delete any postings in Xero from those calculations, and then to create new ones.

When a calculation is marked as final, it will only ever use the rules as they were defined at that time, which means there's an audit trail and late transactions can be added in even after any rule edits are made. It does mean that if you want to change the rules, it's not the simplest process, so we recommend you’re sure before you click mark as final.

What if I need to rerun my calculation after I have already marked the invoice/bill as paid?

After you run the recalculation, you'll be able to see the revised postings before you then choose to edit and update the posting in Xero.

The adjustments are posted by updating the original invoice and bill. Xero doesn't allow you to edit invoices and bills that have payments assigned to them. So in this case you will need to unreconcile the original payments in Xero, update the postings in Mayday, and then re-reconcile the original payments with a part or overpayment as relevant.

Are rules applied to calculations at invoice or at payment?

Calculations are based on the date that it hits the ledger (i.e. invoice or bill date), not the date it is paid (if that is different).

What are recharge transactions?

The recharges arising from the transactions in calculations step one may result in subsequent recharges if posted within the same month. For example, if a transaction hits the P&L where the expense is on behalf of one entity and it’s recharged at cost (no value add), however, there’s another agreement where all expenses come back to the original entity with a markup. This situation would produce recharge transactions.

In the recharge transactions step, you’ll tell us when your recharges will be posted and review how the recharge transactions are treated. This is essentially recharges of recharges, where recharges are posted into one entity and then recharged on; this tells you what's going to happen as a result of your recharge rules.

What happens if I need to rerun the recharge calculations but that period is locked within Xero?

We can't access a locked period in Xero. You'd need to create a credit note in Xero to reverse the transaction and change the issue date in Mayday.

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