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Posting your recharges to Xero
Posting your recharges to Xero

How to post your recharge calculations into your Xero orgs

Griff avatar
Written by Griff
Updated over 3 months ago

Once you have run your Recharge Calculation, you can use the 'Next Step: Postings' button to move to the postings screen:

On this screen, we'll show you each of the bi-lateral postings required between the entities in your group for this month. You can choose whether to post these as:

  • Invoice & Bill, or as Journals. If you choose Journals, we will calculate and add a balancing line, and if you have set up the intercompany loan account mappings we will also automatically choose the correct account code.

  • Drafts or Authorised / Posted, depending on whether you're doing Invoice & Bill or Journals

  • Currency, if the two entities have different currencies. If the Xero orgs do not support multi-currency, then the page will force you to post journals in each entity's home currency. If a currency conversion is taking place, you can override the exchange rate being used here too. By default, we use the exchange rate provided by Fixer.

You can also set the following attributes:

  • Issue Date and Due Date for the Invoice and Bill, or the Date of the Journals

  • Invoice Number if doing Invoice & Bill. This will automatically be added as the reference to the Bill. You can choose to either;

    • Automatically generate invoice numbers using Xero's numbering sequence by checking the ‘Use Xero’s Invoice Number Sequence’ box. With this option enabled, Xero will automatically increment the number by +1 from your most recent invoice. For example, if your last invoice was ‘INV-45’, the next will be ‘INV-46’.

    • Use Maydays automatically generated Invoice number

    • Add your own invoice number

The tax treatment can be set for each line:

If you have created postings before between these entities, and your rules haven't changed materially since then, we will default to whatever tax treatment was used previously.

You can group by rule or transaction:

Historically, each rule and account code combination would create a separate line item in your postings, which is still an option. However, some users expressed a need for more granular information. They wanted each Xero transaction being recharged to create a separate line item in their recharge postings. This is so it's clear in the entity receiving the recharge exactly what they're being recharged for.

This option is now available. Toggle between 'Rule' and 'Transaction' to define how your recharge calculations should appear on your postings:

Once you're happy, use the 'Post to Xero' button, and the Invoice & Bill or Journals will be posted into the two respective Xero orgs at the same time. If you need to change anything after this point, you can use the 'Edit' button to re-open the page and re-post into Xero.

Once you've posted everything, we will prompt you to mark the calculation as final.

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