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All CollectionsBRAGBRAG: Quick Start Guide
Step 1: Get Set Up With BRAG
Step 1: Get Set Up With BRAG

Install the Mayday BRAG extension and set up the loan account mappings

David Tuck avatar
Written by David Tuck
Updated over a month ago

Once you’ve logged in to Mayday with your Xero account, connected all of the relevant Xero Orgs and activated BRAG in Product settings, you can get started by installing the Mayday extension, which is currently available for Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

To do this, head to BRAG and then Setup in the Product Library, and install the relevant Mayday extension for your browser.

This will automatically add the ‘Mayday’ tab to the bank rec interface of your Xero account, which is where the multi-entity magic will happen.

Once connected you'll see this message:

You’ll need to reconnect the Mayday extension on a regular basis for security purposes - roughly once a day or whenever you use BRAG. We recommend pinning the Mayday extension to your browser’s toolbar so you’ll be able to easily reconnect it whenever you need to.

Secondly, you’ll need to set up your loan account code mappings. When a payment in one organisation relates to a bill in another, these accounts will be debited and credited as appropriate.

To do this, head to Settings at the bottom left of the navigation bar, and then to Intercompany Balances. If you haven't already set up your loan balances, you'll need to do this first. Please see this guide for more information on how to do so.

Once your loan balances are set up, please select the tickbox next to "Use this intercompany balance when reconciling transactions in BRAG" to enable these accounts for BRAG transactions.

You will need to ensure "Enable Payments to this account" is ticked for the nominal codes you set here. To do this, head to the Chart of Accounts section of Xero (Accounting > Chart of Accounts), select the account code that you have set in your loan account code mappings for Mayday, and check the box that says ‘Enable payments to this account’

You’re now ready to get started with your multi-entity bank reconciliation!

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