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General FAQs

Frequently asked questions about getting started

David Tuck avatar
Written by David Tuck
Updated this week

How do I change my group start date?

From the ‘Settings’ page, click on Edit Group and select the start date that should apply. Be sure to set the conversion balances as of the group start date.

How do I add entities to my group?

Head over to the Sources page using the blue navigation bar to the left of the screen. Once you’re in Sources click ‘Connect a Xero organisation’ to add your entities.

How often does Mayday sync with sources?

Mayday automatically syncs with your Xero organisations once a day (every 24 hours) as default. It’ll also sync each time you log in.

You can click sync with sources in the blue navigation bar to manually sync with your organisations, you may want to use this feature when you are already logged into Mayday and make a change in Xero in order to see that change immediately reflected.

What is the Account Mapping page for?

If you’re going to post FX adjustments or charge interest on your intercompany loans, you can set up the account codes that these FX and/or interest adjustments should be posted to using the ‘Account Mapping’ tab in Settings.

How does Mayday keep my information secure?

We're an official Xero app. This means we've passed through all of their security processes. We keep sign-on really simple: you can only log into Mayday using your Xero account. There's no need to remember a different password, and Xero’s two-factor authentication adds extra security. If you’d like any more information, here are our Terms and Privacy. With any further questions about information security please contact us at

What are Intercompany Loans?

Use the Intercompany Loans tab to configure intercompany loan account codes in each Xero organisation.


These let Balancer know which account codes to monitor to ensure equal amounts are displayed in both entities. You'll need to connect your organisations before you can input the codes.


You can activate your intercompany loans for BRAG. This means when a payment in one organisation relates to a bill in another, these accounts will be debited and credited as appropriate when you reconcile the transaction with BRAG. This means postings to both intercompany accounts are taken care of.


You can also activate intercompany loans for Recharger. This means that if you choose to post your Recharge Calculations as journal entries, these will be posted to the intercompany account codes specified.

Do you offer a non-profit discount?

Yes, we offer a 25% non-profit discount.

How does your partner pricing work?

For accounting firms using Mayday on behalf of clients, we offer bureau pricing. There is more information in this post. If you'd like to discuss our bureau pricing in detail, please contact us at and we'd be delighted to schedule a call

Can I download data from Mayday?

When you post from Mayday, Xero will include a back-link so you can always come back to the recharges or intercompany balances that you posted from.

You can download data from Balancer to Excel and PDF.

How do I delete my group?

If there is a reason you wish to delete your group, just email and our team will arrange this with you.

If you began the setup of a trial, but never connected a Xero organisation and never completed the onboarding process your group will be automatically deleted 7 days after creation.

How does Mayday interact with Xero lock periods?

Once you "lock" a period in Xero, we can no longer post any journal, invoice or bill as "authorised", we can only post as "draft". This is the way the Xero API has been designed, and is to protect the integrity of your Xero file.

If you need to post something from Mayday into Xero after the period is locked, you can either post it from Mayday as draft, then unlock the period in Xero and complete the posting. Or simply unlock the period in Xero, then run the posting from Mayday.

Of course, we understand at times you may lock a period in Xero and then have to unlock it later - to account for a late transaction. If/where this happens, and that late transaction would have been relevant to a recharge calculation, we will notify you in product. You can read more about this in this article: Re-calculating recharges after they have been posted.

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